Thursday, May 31, 2012

Almost E3 2012!

It is almost the time of the year: The E3 2012 in LA! This is an Expo just for games. It starts on the 4th of june and ends the 7th of june.

I will try to bring you the newest news, newest games or maybe the newest consoles. I'm a little busy nowadays with my final exams but I will do my best ;)

I upload my first review as soon as possible. I think it will be translated by the end of this week and that's the date when it appears on my blog.

Cya guys later and remember: Game on!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The first connection

Hello Gamers,
my name is JackTechh and on this blog I will write reviews about games that  I play. You can always suggest which games I review, maybe i will review them :p The other things I write in this blog is about my life as a gamer.

Other information about me is that i'm 18 years old and, live in Belgium. ( so sorry for eventually bad langues :p ) More will follow soon or not :p I have a youtube channel where I upload walkthroughs.

If you guys have any suggestions for me, let me know. it will help me a lot ;)

There are no other things to say than Enjoy and Game On!