Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And the results are...

Hey gamers and gamettes( just made that up :p)

I finally got my results from my exams and I got 3 extra resits, this with a total of 6. it sounds really bad but 4 of 6 is from a section I want to quit so I only have 2. It is a really big disappointement for my summer vacation but it isn't the end of the world, if you know what I mean. You must learn from the mistakes and see what you can do better next time ;)

I hope everyone's results where good but if they were bad, it isn't the end of the world ;) Just enjoy your summer and make fun with friends in real life or online :p

See ya guys next time and remember Game On!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gaming like a boss!!

Hello everybody

Previous week was a little bit the same because of the bad weather in Belgium. So what to I do when it is bad outside, Gaming of course :p

I bought 2 games called Darksiders and The Jak and Daxter triology. I bought Jak and daxter just for fun because it was the game who realized that I loved gaming. I already played the first of the three Jak and Daxter games and it almost platinum yeah :D

Another game I played is runescape, I don't know if some people know the game but just chech it out;). Some people think it is stupid and childish but I have so much fun with this game with my friends and clanbuddies.

This is what gaming is al about just have some fun ;) If it is alone or with friends, just have fun even if it doesn't work out.

So for the readers and the one with a google account, let me know what games you play at the moment, and maybe I will buy it too :p

And remember Game On ;)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Resume E3

Day 1
On the first day, there were 4 press-conferences( This on different hours). Microsoft was the one who opened the E3. Then came EA, Ubisoft and Sony, this last one ended the first day.

Microsoft proposed a number of games as expected. These games were Tomb raider, South park: The stock or the truth and Resisdent evil 6. There also were Xbox exclusives like: Ascend: New gods, Lolocycle, Gears of war:Judgement and the expected Halo 4. But Microsoft wasn’t the best of the 3 on day 1 because of their nagging what is possible on XBL(Xbox Live) .I Think that Microsoft should remember that E3 is mainly about games and no advertising campaign

EA came on stage especially with games. This press-conference was in my eyes a show of extremes: either expectations or total surprises. The expectations were the new Madden and Fifa for 2013, the expansion for Battlefield 3, extras for Star wars: the old republic and Medal of Honor: Warfighter. The surprises from EA were Dead Space3 and a new Need for Speed: Most wanted. This was a big surprise because I loved the older most wanted with the races against cops, the wanted list and of course the tuning. But after I watched the trailer, I felt al little bit disappointed. Not because it was bad but I missed something from the older game.

Ubisoft was next and like EA they only presented games. The show was one spectacular with a performance of Flo Rida. He presetend the new Just dance with a cool trailer. Other games that were presented were Splinter Cell:blacklist and a Marvel: Avengers game. Where everyone was looking forward to and also saw was Assassn’s creed III. The spectators gat some information and a beautiful trailer who gave most of the  audience goosebumps. I watched the trailer too and even I had to drool of this trailer. The action was cool, the graphics were nice and the surroundings were amazing. The only thing I can say is that Ubisoft is so far the best on the E3.

Sony was the last one of day 1 but there press-conference was a weak one because they only showed some trailer of games who were already know. It isn’t bad to show that but people were expecting much more from Sony. There was little focus on PS vita( and believe me, that the PS vita need some attention), there were only 2 games announced for the PS vita including 1 game that is already on PS3 which is LittleBigPlanet2. Other games that were shown, were God of war: Ascension, Last of Us and Beyond: Two souls.
Day 2
On day 2 , there was only 1 press-conference and on this day all of the game magazines or game sites could play some of the games who were installed in the E3.

Nintendo started the day with his press-conference but as expected they were talking about the WiiU, the new Nintendo console, and de Nintendo 3DS. This press-conference was also a disappointment because Nintendo didn’t talk about the price and date of the WiiU, what everyone was hoping for. Also there were many question for upcoming games like Pokemon Black and White 2 and Smash Bros. U. It wasn’t a bad conference but the people didn’t get that many information what they were hoping for.
Then the games who the people could play on this day were: Assassin’s creed III, Dead Space III, Darksiders II, Star wars 1313, Last of Us, Fable: The Journey, etc… there were also a lot of “secret E3 games” but I didn’t find any information about that.

Day 3 & 4
On this day there weren o press-conferences only games sessions and 1 “secret E3-game”. The games that were set all around the E3 were: Borderlands 2, Transformers: Fall of cybertron, Crysis 3, DMC: Devil May Cry, World of Warplanes, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 etc… The last game of the E3 was the new Star Trek game

These were the 4 day of the E3. Personally I found this E3 a disappointment because the big 3 ( Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo) didn’t surprise like they did last year. The best one of the E3 was in my eyes Ubisoft, just by the nice line-up of games that they presented. For more info about the E3, check the next link: http://www.trueachievements.com/n9082/heres-your-e3-2012-schedule.htm . If you want to read more  about the E3, you can always check IGN and 9 lives( for Dutch) and if you want some videos, you can check youtube ;)

PS: sorry all that this is uploaded so late but due the exams, I had little time. Hopefully you can forgive me this and I hope that I can avoid this “lagging” for the future. But remember Game On! ;)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finals over and Game on!

My finals are finally over :D and you know what that means... more time for all of you ;) The exams were little hard but I think I will pass them. I get the results on 26st of June so you will read the my results around this date.

Now it is summer i have many things to do. I hope to upload a video when i'm playing Dragon's dogma. I'm thinking about some blogs about my daily life or what game i played that day. If you think i should to that answer the poll ;)

Also I finshed my text about the E3 and i'm translating it so it should be online on saturday.

For the remaining I have to say: have a nice summer, have some fun and Game on!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lagging blog

Sorry guys/girls that i didn't blog any activity during E3 2012. i was really busy with my final examens but they end soon. After my finals I will blog more and the first blog i post is something about E3. I promise ;)

Hopfully I will upload my first video soon enough. I'm still thinking where is the best stance for the camera and that kind of things. Let's hope that it will be soon :p

Sorry again that i didn't blog anything but it will change!

Game on!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Review: Dragon’s dogma

Every gamer has heard of Capcom. This producer has made several beauties like Resident evil and Devil May Cry. The question is: Can Dragon’s dogma come on that prestigious list or will it be a game to forget?

For the gamers who never heard about Dragon’s dogma, I will briefly outline the story. The story begins not to happy because the heart of your own character is eaten by a dragon. What follows is a rebirth of your character as the Arisen, a warrior who protect the land from evil. The rest of the story is simple: you get after that dragon and seek for revenge.

Pawns to play
Like we are used(or some gamers: not used)  from a normal RPG, you can create your own character. You get the choice of three classes namely: Fighter(melee), Strider(Archer) and Mage(magic). These ‘evolve’ into other classes so you get crossovers between 2 classes. But then come the elements that stand out in Dragon’s dogma namely: the combat system and the pawn system. You can take the last literally. You get control of one self made character and two other pawns who can be traded on different points in the game. The pawn system isn’t just an extra feature but it has a story behind it. To choose your pawn, you must enter the Rift. This is a place where you see the other pawn to choose from. The pawns can be a standard one or created by other Dragon’s dogma players. These pawns will be controlled by the computer but you can customize you self made pawn every time. The other two pawns will be customized by other players. That’s why you can change them whenever you want. The combat system is very special and very flexible. During the battles you can run around the area and now comes the fun part: you can jump on the monsters! If the monsters are big enough, you can jump on their leg or back to bring them out of balance. Also the pawn are useful in combat because they can grab small enemies so you can distribute the final blow.

A World with not much life
Dragon’s dogma offers a beautiful and open World but it did paid his price. To slow loading textures whereby monsters are suddenly in front of you,  provide for an unpleasant surprise while playing. The dead cities where hardly anyone is around, take the feeling of a real world away. Yet nothing everything in this world isn’t bad. Everything looks finished and you can explore everything. No invisible walls who can stop your exploration urge but be careful for monster who spawn in front of you.

An irritation or not an irritation, that is the question.
There are some disturbances which may irritate some people. These disturbances are the language and the controls of the inventory. The language sounds like the English from the Middel Ages, but in my opinion this contributes to the setting. Althrough the lip-sync isn’t 100%, this is a disadvantage. But gamers who only read the text, wouldn’t be disturbed by this. The controls of your inventory may run a bit rough but when you play some time, you get used to it. Are these really disadvantages? Maybe or maybe not but that dipends from gamer to gamer.

Overall you could say dragon’s dogma isn’t a terrible game but to put him on the list of Capcoms masterpieces isn’t quite right. Some elements as the cities en the slow loading textures, take the game some points. If you as gamer count the language and the inventory as a disadvantage too, you can take some extra points. Still this game is a must for every RPG-fan and deserves to be played. If you guys excuse me, I have to chase a dragon.

+ Combat system                                                                              - lip-sync
+ Pawn system                                                                                  - Slow loading textures
+ Finished Open world                                                                     -  Dead cities


PS: if you like or hate this, if it isn't perfect let me know ;)