Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gaming like a boss!!

Hello everybody

Previous week was a little bit the same because of the bad weather in Belgium. So what to I do when it is bad outside, Gaming of course :p

I bought 2 games called Darksiders and The Jak and Daxter triology. I bought Jak and daxter just for fun because it was the game who realized that I loved gaming. I already played the first of the three Jak and Daxter games and it almost platinum yeah :D

Another game I played is runescape, I don't know if some people know the game but just chech it out;). Some people think it is stupid and childish but I have so much fun with this game with my friends and clanbuddies.

This is what gaming is al about just have some fun ;) If it is alone or with friends, just have fun even if it doesn't work out.

So for the readers and the one with a google account, let me know what games you play at the moment, and maybe I will buy it too :p

And remember Game On ;)

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