Saturday, June 2, 2012

Review: Dragon’s dogma

Every gamer has heard of Capcom. This producer has made several beauties like Resident evil and Devil May Cry. The question is: Can Dragon’s dogma come on that prestigious list or will it be a game to forget?

For the gamers who never heard about Dragon’s dogma, I will briefly outline the story. The story begins not to happy because the heart of your own character is eaten by a dragon. What follows is a rebirth of your character as the Arisen, a warrior who protect the land from evil. The rest of the story is simple: you get after that dragon and seek for revenge.

Pawns to play
Like we are used(or some gamers: not used)  from a normal RPG, you can create your own character. You get the choice of three classes namely: Fighter(melee), Strider(Archer) and Mage(magic). These ‘evolve’ into other classes so you get crossovers between 2 classes. But then come the elements that stand out in Dragon’s dogma namely: the combat system and the pawn system. You can take the last literally. You get control of one self made character and two other pawns who can be traded on different points in the game. The pawn system isn’t just an extra feature but it has a story behind it. To choose your pawn, you must enter the Rift. This is a place where you see the other pawn to choose from. The pawns can be a standard one or created by other Dragon’s dogma players. These pawns will be controlled by the computer but you can customize you self made pawn every time. The other two pawns will be customized by other players. That’s why you can change them whenever you want. The combat system is very special and very flexible. During the battles you can run around the area and now comes the fun part: you can jump on the monsters! If the monsters are big enough, you can jump on their leg or back to bring them out of balance. Also the pawn are useful in combat because they can grab small enemies so you can distribute the final blow.

A World with not much life
Dragon’s dogma offers a beautiful and open World but it did paid his price. To slow loading textures whereby monsters are suddenly in front of you,  provide for an unpleasant surprise while playing. The dead cities where hardly anyone is around, take the feeling of a real world away. Yet nothing everything in this world isn’t bad. Everything looks finished and you can explore everything. No invisible walls who can stop your exploration urge but be careful for monster who spawn in front of you.

An irritation or not an irritation, that is the question.
There are some disturbances which may irritate some people. These disturbances are the language and the controls of the inventory. The language sounds like the English from the Middel Ages, but in my opinion this contributes to the setting. Althrough the lip-sync isn’t 100%, this is a disadvantage. But gamers who only read the text, wouldn’t be disturbed by this. The controls of your inventory may run a bit rough but when you play some time, you get used to it. Are these really disadvantages? Maybe or maybe not but that dipends from gamer to gamer.

Overall you could say dragon’s dogma isn’t a terrible game but to put him on the list of Capcoms masterpieces isn’t quite right. Some elements as the cities en the slow loading textures, take the game some points. If you as gamer count the language and the inventory as a disadvantage too, you can take some extra points. Still this game is a must for every RPG-fan and deserves to be played. If you guys excuse me, I have to chase a dragon.

+ Combat system                                                                              - lip-sync
+ Pawn system                                                                                  - Slow loading textures
+ Finished Open world                                                                     -  Dead cities


PS: if you like or hate this, if it isn't perfect let me know ;)

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