Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A good gamer is a healty gamer ;)

Hello everybody

Today the 8th of August I made a big decission. I go to change myself, not my character but my figure. It took too long to do it and now it is the time. I'm not mr sumo guy but I look to fat for my own good and I don't wanna die on my 40th.

That's why I go to the gym. In the begin, I go 3 times a week( just to start slowly) and than I will like to go every day. That's not the only thing I do, I have made some achievements I wanna accomplish every day. These are just simple things like: 2l of water every day, 2 pieces of fruit, max 2 unhealty foods a week and max 1 time some chips for a movie ; that is just the begging. I don't want to take it to hard immediatly because then I would not stick to my diet and that's not my goal.

So today was my first day at the gym and here is a picture of me after a nice time at the gym and a good shower.

yeah not a big smile on my face huh but believe me as I say that I'm feeling good :D

If there is any of you guys with the same problem as me, just start together with me so we can support each other in difficult times( believe me there will come many challenges to overcome). So I hope you guys support me in this and if you do the same as me, I wish you many luck and succes on your journey ;)

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