Monday, August 6, 2012

Inside the Gamer week 5

Hello everybody, this week was my last week of pure freedom. If you guys read my older post, you know that I need to do resits. These are almost there so I enjoy every free moment I get. So the upcoming weeks wouldn't be so interesting but I try my best ;)

This week was a busy week. As you guys already saw, I made a profile picture for my blog and stuff. I already told what happend that day, so if you don't read the first then now is the time to check it out :p

The best days of this week where definitely friday and saturday. On friday, *insert Rebecca Black reference* I had a real life clan event in Bobbejaanland. In the beggining it was a little bit weird to see eveyone but the more time we spent with each other, the more fun we had.

Saturday was shooter-day and I don't mean the shooters on the console but real life shooter. Me and some friend were going to airsoft. For the people who don't know what airsoft is, it is like a fps game. You play with good replica weapons and you get some missions to complete in a certain time. It was fun but in the first time I got a nice headshot. The result: a nice, small wound on my cheek :)

After those 2 days, I need to relax and that was my sunday. Just a nice relaxing day with my father.

Now it is monday and I need to prepare for my resits -_-, I hope I make it this time. Wish me luck and I see you next week ;)

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