Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The AlphaGameBet: The "B" for Bioshock

This topic will provide some old and new games. Each week I talk about a game that begins with the letter of the alphabet. And this week it is the "B".

It is a serie that I don't know much about but I'm trying my best to tell you about the gameserie: Bioshock. Bioshock is a first-person shooter from 2007 made by 2K, this game was on PC, Xbox360 and Playstation3. This isn't a normal shooter like Battlefield or Call of duty oooh no, this is some different stuff.

The setting is in 1960 in a secret the underwatercity Rapture, this is where the player begins playing but what is the story of this game? I'm not gonna tell everything but what I know about the game is that in Rapture there was a civil war for some stuff that is called Adam. This is something that makes the human better/powerfull.

In your adventure you discover some Adam, some enemies and secrets of Rapture and the civil war in Rapture. Sometimes in the game you see monsters called Big Daddy and Little sisters. What they do in Rapture you will find out in Bioshock 1 and Bioshock2( yeah there is 2 of them :p). In bioshock 2 you play as a Big daddy and see Rapture through his eyes.

There will come another Bioshock called Bioshock infinite. It will be relaesed in 2013 but I don't know anything about that ( sorry for that)

This was the letter "B" for this week and maybe I should really play this game so i can give you better and more inforamtion :p

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