Monday, July 16, 2012

Inside the Gamer week 2

A glimpse of my life, that is what you read in this post. In this post you read the things i did in the past week and we are now at week 2.

This week was a week to look back too. I had a lot of fun with my friends this week.A friend of me came back from a holiday and he wanted to do something with his friends. We didn't do much but that doesn't mean you can't have fun :p We went to a cinema to watch a movie and the movie we chose was 21 Jump street. i don't know if you guys know the movie but you need to check him out becuase I laughed so hard that I tought I pissed myself xD.

Friday I played runescape but with a clan where I"m in we had an awesome party. We did this because the leaders of the clan reached max lvl in the same skill on same time. After celebrating this there was a treasure hunt. The one who found it, is a real-life friend of me and he won 2mile gold ( that is 2 million).

In the weekend not much happend some gaming of course because the weather in Belgium didn't get any better. Can someone send Belgium some sun please? We need it.

This is what happend in the past week. I don't know what next week will bring but we will see ^^ See you guys later and remeber Game On!

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