Saturday, July 14, 2012

Minecraft with iJustine :D!!!!

Hello everybody

As you can read in the title I played minecraft in Ijustine's server :D !!!! I tought she was online but then I realized she was a comic-con. I was really excited to see what all the fans of her builded and believe me it was nice.

After some time in the server, there were some idiots who destroyed everybodys work. They destroyed the iJustine sign, burned everybodys houses and that kind of stuff. I understand that there are people who hate that she gets famous and have millions of fans but that doesn't mean you have to ruin the fun for everyone. I mean they work really to let her see how much they love her( maybe in a creepy stalky way :p just kiddin' )

I hope that I see iJustine tommorow in her Minecraft-server and if not, so be it ;) It is already a hard work to get in her server, so I can be proud of myself to acomplish that already :p

Maybe this is a silly post but I want to let you guys know what i'm doing ( not everything of course for example when I go to the toilet and stuff :p )

I hope you guys have as much fun as I do in the vacation and remember Game On!

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