Wednesday, September 26, 2012

AlphaGameBet: The "I" for Infamous 2

This week an other PS3 exclusive :p This one was one of the games that was released in the early begin of PS3 and then got an cool sequel. The game for this week is Infamous 2.

Why I chose this game? I really loved the first one and the 2nd made the experience even better. Like I just said it is a early PS3 game and then Infamous was a big game but it was a overshadowed by Uncharted.

What's the game all about? You play as Cole Mcgrath an normal man who got super powers in Infamous. In Infamous 2 you move to an other town, New marais,  to start a new life but that isn't that easy. In New Marais he gets the job to kill the beast like Kesler fortold in Infamous. Cole isn't ready jet to face the beast so he trains in New Marais to destroy the beast and to release the town from his dictator Bertrand.

The game is really fun to play because of , like I call it, the karma system. In certain points in the game you choose a good or a bad side which descides your way you react to the people in the game and the powers you get. Thanks to this system, you can play the game multiple times.

This was AlphaGameBet for this week, I see you next week and don't get to electrified by this game :p

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gamelight: Vanquish

This time not about a game which is new or upcoming. In topic of today, I present to you a game which is really good but is almost never been played: Vanquish

Vanquish is a third person shooter published by the famous Sega. It is a little bit of a si-fi game where Amercia and Russia are sworn enemies(how typical). How is this possible? well, the human population has grown so hard that there are not much resources left. That's why America build a satalite for solar energy but Russia caputered this satalite to get control over the world.

Now the big question, why isn't this played much? I don't know and I think nobody knows. It isn't bad or something on the contrary it is really good. Combat, movement, environment etc... are really great but the game has a high difficulty. Is this the reason? i don't think so.

The reason I can think of is that the game was released in a wrong period. The game was released in October 2010 which was the period of blockbusters as Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and  Assassins Creed. This is a little sad for the game and the publisher of course.

So this was Gamelight for this week, I hope I could convince you to play this game ;)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Inside the Gamer: Scroll of life ( week 8 -10)

Hello everyone!!!!

It feels so freaking awesome to be back after some serious ear infection and other problems. I'm really sorry that I couldn't focuss on this during my illness, but I didn't want to post some junk or bad quality news. I'm back and let's start with what happend in the past weeks :)

On the 9th of September me and my friend went to the Japanese Garden to see some manga and cosplay exchange. Yeah it sounds a little bit weird but I like manga and i'm thinking about to cosplay. Not for everytime but a few times, just to have some fun ;) My first cosplay performance will be in FACTS in Gent. It will not be perfect but hey it's the first time :p

After that there was the time of my ear infection -_- serious pain and no sound through my left ear. result of that I couldn't focus on anything because the pain was to hard. But there were some thing I had to do  reluctantly and that was going to school. The 17th of September was my first day of school and I was a little nervous because I do another compartment so I wouldn't see my friends that much. Now the first week has ended and I must say that my new "class"( because in high school, you don't have real classes :p ) is awesome. I don't know them that good but there are some cool and nice people over there :)

Some other news, I'm moving with my mom to a new house because of the problems in our current house. The house isn't as big as the current one but it's nice and cozy ;)

The rest of the weeks was a little bit gaming here and some boredom there, so nothing interessting. I tried to make a video for my youtube channel but I didn't work out and with the ear infection and the moving to a new house, plans have been canceled to the end of next month :( The review I was working on will be uploaded as soon as possible.

After these weeks, I'm glad to be back and I hope you guys aren't mad at me for leaving you for a long tilme. see you guys next week in a Inside the Gamer and Game On!

Monday, September 10, 2012

It hurts like hell !!!!

Hello everyone

In this post I let you know that I won't write any post till 19th of September. This is because I have a serious ear infection :( It hurt so much that I can't clearly think except for pain. I decided that my blog won't suffer from this, so I chose to rest till the 19th September.

I'm so sorry that I can't post anything for the moment and I hope you still read my blog after the 19th.

See ya guys later and Game On!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Funzies: Old school vs New school

If you read the topic, you can say that this is a big clash. Who wins this epic battle in game history? If you don't know the answer than watch next video. The video is made by a famous youtuber Freddiew who makes a lot of cool, funny and epic videos about games. In the video you see the clash between old school games like Space Invaders and new school like Lara croft(Tombraider), Masterchief(Halo) etc... You will recognize them ;) Now there is nothing left to say than enjoy the video and see you next week ;)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Funzies: Real Modern Warfare

Yeah I know it's Thursday. So where is Jacks Tech or Buy or Sell? Well one of the 2 comes next week because I found an other funny video about gaming. In this video you see what happens if Modern Warfare takes over your life. The acting performances aren't that good but it's just a parody ;)

I hope you guys like the video and an other news: I just made my first youtube video. I try to upload as quick as I can. My video isn't that perfect but hey, i'm just startting :p

See you guys and enjoy

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

AlphaGameBet: The "H" for Heavy Rain

What is a game becomes so good that it even surpasses a movie? There was 1 game so far who gave that experience and that game was Heavy Rain.

Heavy Rain is a Playstation 3 exclusive game that is produced by Quantic Dream and published by Sony ( that's why it is Playstation exclusive). You can't push this game in a famous genre like action, MMORPG etc... The game is described  as a interactive drama psychological thriller so it most fits in the action genre. The story in Heavy Rain is that somewhere in USA there is a killer named the Origami Killer, everytime he kills someone he leaves a origami and a orchis. You play as 4 different characters who are for some reason involved with this case.

What makes this game so special? The game gives the player a real movie experience, you feel that you're actually in a movie. This is only possible thanks to perfect graphics and the amazing story. For the fans who like some thriller action, this game is a recommendation.

You can play the game with your playstion controller or the playstation move. some side info: Quantic Dream is working on another project called Beyond:Two Souls.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gamelight: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

What do you think about a game with the greatest icons in Playstation History? If you were waiting for that game then I got some good news. On the 21st of November there will be a game called Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. It is like Super Smash Bros for the Playstation but there are little differences.

This game is a really mysterious one because not everything is know about it. From time to time So,,y release some characters that will be in the game. Some of the characters that are already know are Sackboy, Big daddy, Kratos, Sir Daniel , Jak and Daxter and much much more. To see the characters that are already in the game, check the picture. Not every character is on it and there is more to come ;)

I will keep you guys updated about this game ;) 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Inside the Gamer: week 7

Hello everyone, I'm back :D after my resits and some week break I came with new ideas for my blog. First of all I would thank you guys for still reading my blog. It is unbelievable what it means for me.

Still not much has happend in the past week. Most of the time was relaxing, playing some games and thinking about plans for my blog. I have a list ready with some ideas on it and I hope that I can realize them.

In the past week I began to work on my Transformers review it is almost reeady in Dutch, so the only thing that stands in it way is the translating. I try to upload it next week Saturday, that will be the 8th of September.

That was Inside the Gamer for this week. It feels good to be back and I thank you guys again for reading my blog ;)