Monday, September 24, 2012

Inside the Gamer: Scroll of life ( week 8 -10)

Hello everyone!!!!

It feels so freaking awesome to be back after some serious ear infection and other problems. I'm really sorry that I couldn't focuss on this during my illness, but I didn't want to post some junk or bad quality news. I'm back and let's start with what happend in the past weeks :)

On the 9th of September me and my friend went to the Japanese Garden to see some manga and cosplay exchange. Yeah it sounds a little bit weird but I like manga and i'm thinking about to cosplay. Not for everytime but a few times, just to have some fun ;) My first cosplay performance will be in FACTS in Gent. It will not be perfect but hey it's the first time :p

After that there was the time of my ear infection -_- serious pain and no sound through my left ear. result of that I couldn't focus on anything because the pain was to hard. But there were some thing I had to do  reluctantly and that was going to school. The 17th of September was my first day of school and I was a little nervous because I do another compartment so I wouldn't see my friends that much. Now the first week has ended and I must say that my new "class"( because in high school, you don't have real classes :p ) is awesome. I don't know them that good but there are some cool and nice people over there :)

Some other news, I'm moving with my mom to a new house because of the problems in our current house. The house isn't as big as the current one but it's nice and cozy ;)

The rest of the weeks was a little bit gaming here and some boredom there, so nothing interessting. I tried to make a video for my youtube channel but I didn't work out and with the ear infection and the moving to a new house, plans have been canceled to the end of next month :( The review I was working on will be uploaded as soon as possible.

After these weeks, I'm glad to be back and I hope you guys aren't mad at me for leaving you for a long tilme. see you guys next week in a Inside the Gamer and Game On!

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