Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gamelight: Vanquish

This time not about a game which is new or upcoming. In topic of today, I present to you a game which is really good but is almost never been played: Vanquish

Vanquish is a third person shooter published by the famous Sega. It is a little bit of a si-fi game where Amercia and Russia are sworn enemies(how typical). How is this possible? well, the human population has grown so hard that there are not much resources left. That's why America build a satalite for solar energy but Russia caputered this satalite to get control over the world.

Now the big question, why isn't this played much? I don't know and I think nobody knows. It isn't bad or something on the contrary it is really good. Combat, movement, environment etc... are really great but the game has a high difficulty. Is this the reason? i don't think so.

The reason I can think of is that the game was released in a wrong period. The game was released in October 2010 which was the period of blockbusters as Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and  Assassins Creed. This is a little sad for the game and the publisher of course.

So this was Gamelight for this week, I hope I could convince you to play this game ;)

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