Wednesday, September 26, 2012

AlphaGameBet: The "I" for Infamous 2

This week an other PS3 exclusive :p This one was one of the games that was released in the early begin of PS3 and then got an cool sequel. The game for this week is Infamous 2.

Why I chose this game? I really loved the first one and the 2nd made the experience even better. Like I just said it is a early PS3 game and then Infamous was a big game but it was a overshadowed by Uncharted.

What's the game all about? You play as Cole Mcgrath an normal man who got super powers in Infamous. In Infamous 2 you move to an other town, New marais,  to start a new life but that isn't that easy. In New Marais he gets the job to kill the beast like Kesler fortold in Infamous. Cole isn't ready jet to face the beast so he trains in New Marais to destroy the beast and to release the town from his dictator Bertrand.

The game is really fun to play because of , like I call it, the karma system. In certain points in the game you choose a good or a bad side which descides your way you react to the people in the game and the powers you get. Thanks to this system, you can play the game multiple times.

This was AlphaGameBet for this week, I see you next week and don't get to electrified by this game :p

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