Monday, September 3, 2012

Inside the Gamer: week 7

Hello everyone, I'm back :D after my resits and some week break I came with new ideas for my blog. First of all I would thank you guys for still reading my blog. It is unbelievable what it means for me.

Still not much has happend in the past week. Most of the time was relaxing, playing some games and thinking about plans for my blog. I have a list ready with some ideas on it and I hope that I can realize them.

In the past week I began to work on my Transformers review it is almost reeady in Dutch, so the only thing that stands in it way is the translating. I try to upload it next week Saturday, that will be the 8th of September.

That was Inside the Gamer for this week. It feels good to be back and I thank you guys again for reading my blog ;)

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