Wednesday, September 5, 2012

AlphaGameBet: The "H" for Heavy Rain

What is a game becomes so good that it even surpasses a movie? There was 1 game so far who gave that experience and that game was Heavy Rain.

Heavy Rain is a Playstation 3 exclusive game that is produced by Quantic Dream and published by Sony ( that's why it is Playstation exclusive). You can't push this game in a famous genre like action, MMORPG etc... The game is described  as a interactive drama psychological thriller so it most fits in the action genre. The story in Heavy Rain is that somewhere in USA there is a killer named the Origami Killer, everytime he kills someone he leaves a origami and a orchis. You play as 4 different characters who are for some reason involved with this case.

What makes this game so special? The game gives the player a real movie experience, you feel that you're actually in a movie. This is only possible thanks to perfect graphics and the amazing story. For the fans who like some thriller action, this game is a recommendation.

You can play the game with your playstion controller or the playstation move. some side info: Quantic Dream is working on another project called Beyond:Two Souls.

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