Monday, October 15, 2012

Inside The Gamer week 11

Okay guys and girls, let's forget the month September. I know there wasn't much activity on my blog but those had it's reasons. The first one( and you already know) is my ear infection in the beginning of September and the second is moving to my new appartment and that last one had some problems. The biggest problem was that I didn't had any internet till now :( So that's why it took so long and I hope you can forgive me once more :D

So what happend beside the moving? Not much actuaaly because it's autumn and typically for belgium it was raining most of the time. Although I bought some new games, where I will talk about in Jack's tech ofcourse ;)

And today, the 14th of october was election day for the people in Belgium. Not for the gouvernement but for the towns and provinces. The is a big battle in the city called Antwerp where 2 big politicians are arcross each other, you can compare it with Romney vs Oboma but than on little scale.

 Next week me and my friends go to FACTS 2012 in Ghent, it is a manga,game,anime,sci-fi exchange for the fans. I don't know if you guys are coming or not but if you want to search for me or something( what is not going to happend :p ) I'm the guy who cosplays as Alex mercer from Prototype(without weapons and the bad version :p ). You can let me know if you're going to FACTS or not and so yes do you cosplay and who? Send you're answers to ;)

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