Tuesday, October 16, 2012

GameLight: Pokemon Black 2 and White 2

Yeah this week on Gamelight one of the most epic, best and longest game series: Pokémon. the past week was the release of the new pokemon black and white 2 for Nintendo DS and 3DS. But what's so different about this one?

Actually not much has changend: you catch pokemons, beat the gym leaders and fight the champion. but that makes the game a lot of fun :D this game is the same game like black and white but then with some extra  like Emerald, Yellow, etc... No, this is a whole other game with new locations, "new" pokemons and a new storyline.

This game is 2 years after the original black and white. In these so years a lot has changed. Some people moved to the Unova region and brought there pokemons with them, which let to some older pokemon you will remember ;) Also the charcters of black and white got older and chased their dreams.

If this game worth buying it? Yes of course and that for serveral reasons: 1) it's pokémon duh 2)you can explore a whole new pokemon game, that is totally different that i's previous one 3) because of the cool extra's like the medal box(throphy/achievement system for pokemon), habitat list and the dream radar for the Nintendo 3DS. The real fans of pokemons or people who didn't played black of white but love pokemon, should buy thid game. For the other ones, it may be a little childish but it's still a really good RPG for handhald consoles ;)

This was Gamelight for this week, I hope you like and remember Gonna Catch them all.... I dare you :p

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