Monday, October 29, 2012

where is the up?!

hello everyone

As you can see, I don't blog that much anymore but i hope it's gonna change. I'm working about new stuff maybe an new kind of blog so it will take a while( still under JackTechh 's name of course :p)

Also I feel a little dip right now because i don't have any ideas or anything refreshing and second i can't give you guys the game stuff. Let's hope I find my up :)

I hope you don't go search and try to kill me or something :p I will be back( with the legendary words of Mister Arnold ) and it will be beter then ever :D

I hope that I can see you guys back someday but when and where will come in this blog and on my twitter but for now, it's a goodbye.

See you gamers later and remember to spread the word: Game On!

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