Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inside The Gamer week 12

hello gamers and gamettes, normally I tell you about what happend in the past week but not this week. this time I talk all about my day in FACTS.

For the ones who don't know , it's a manga,game, cosplay, sci-fi exchange for everyone who loves it. There are many things to see like nice cosplayers, the newest games and all the stuff about manga and other things.

The day began when i got out of bed around 6 o clock (yeah thats early :p) and then I went to the train station for my train to Ghent. it was a very close call because some of my friends were a little to late but we made it ;) Ones we were in Ghent we saw cool cosplayers and so we followed them to Flanders Expo, when a challenge appeared. We saw a long queue and we though that it would take too long but we were wrong. it went really fast and before we knew it we were in FACTS.

In FACTS we went to many and different stands to see what they sold and maybe bought something. Me and my friends made some pictures and I will upload some pictures on Friday( if i get them from my friend :p)

One sidenote: I didn't cosplay this year because my costume wasn't that great as I tought so I hope to do it next year :D

That was my day in FACTS, it was a great time and i see you guys in the next "Inside The Gamer"

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