Wednesday, August 8, 2012

AlphaGameBet: The "E" for Elder scrolls: Skyrim

Now we have come to the "E" in the alphabet, whay would you say if we just "FUS RO DAH" about it? I think you wouldn't skip this post because you can get an arrow to knee. Ok, enough with the lame jokes and let's get back to business. As you know( or not), these jokes came from the game called The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. But what is so fascinating about this game? what makes it special? Let's figure that out in this post ;)

Some general informatuion about the game , it is a RPG created by Bethesda. This isn't the only Elder scrolls, there are 5 more of them. I think you can only find number IV in the stores at the moment. For the rest, I think you can find it on the interwebs ;)

The setting of Skyrim is in an kind of medieval  landscape with a lot of diffferent races in it. The story is quite simple. You are a dragonborn, that is a man/girl that can understand everything from the dragon , as a dragonborn you must keep the balans between the people and dragon and you need to destroy Alduin as the prophecy fortold.

What makes the game that special is the big open world and it's own creating skilltree. As in real life, you can be anything in Skyrim. You want to train magic, jsut train it and why not combining it with a one-handed sword? There is a lot of stuff you can do and you can combine it with everything. An outside of the game thing that makes it special are the memes, pictures/drawnings with a funny text. Everyone has heard the jokes about "an arrow to the knee" or a random " FUS RO DAH" sound. Or examples from memes are the unlogical things in Skyrim and the high addiction.

Is it a good game? I would say yes but you need to take the little bugs and weird things ( for example you get catapult by a giant) with it ;)

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