Monday, August 13, 2012

Inside the Gamer week 6

This week wasn't a big one, nothing interesting happens but as you have already read I made a big decision. I'm going to the fitness three times a week, later it can be more. If you want to read more about it check my post "a Good gamer is a healty gamer" ;)

In "buy and sell" I told you about the DBZ game. No I sold it this week and something weird happend. When I sold it, the vendor apologized about selling me that game :O To apologize he ordered a good version of the DBZ serie. It is called Dragonball Z raging blast 2, so if you are fan go and but it ;)

So it isn't a big week.Why isn't this week so interesting? I'm studying for my resists -_- . Not much fun about that. And of course this week the sun started to shine and the good weather is coming. Nothing bad about that but I didn't want it in my resits.

Sorry that this week was nothing special, but I think it won't get any better. 1000 times sorry :(

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