Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's a kind of magic !!

Today was an awesome day at my friends house. Our plan was to make a picture of me that I can use for my blog,twitter and youtube but that wasn't the only thing we did :p

The first thing we did was some gaming of course. He isn't a big gamer as I am but he is working to it :p The first game we played was Sorcery, as the game suggests it's about magic. You use the PS move controllers to play the game. it was like I was in a Harry Potter movie :D Maybe it isn't the best game in the world but it's fun and that's what's gaming all about.

The next thing was a movie, which according to him I must have seen. The title of that movie was Horrible Bosses. A great movie with a lot of funny stuff going on. I defintly recommed to you guys ;)

The last thing was making a picture for my blog etc... You can see the result in my profile but that will take a while because I'm busy these days. But i'm a nice gut, so here is the world premier of my first picture of me :D

As you can see, i'm not mister hotty. Just a normal guy who likes playing videogames on his PS3 and PC.( yeah the glasses make me little bit nerdy xD ). I hope you guys don't leave the blog because of this picture because it is a whole honour that you guys read my blogs and I mean it ;)

See you guys next week and Game On ;)

PS: some thanks to my friend Rory, he is a blogger just like me and he inspirted me to do this. So if you like fashion and stuff( yes he is gay so what? :p ) check it out in the link below ;)

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