Thursday, August 9, 2012

Buy or Sell! Round 1

Huh? What is happening :O? No Jacks Tech anymore? Na that is not it, there weren't any new techs this week so I didn't want to give you guys nothing this week. So I came up with a new idea: Buy or Sell. In this topic, I let you guys know wich games I bought and give you my opinion on it. I played the games for a time so it is a little bit fair. If I say buy: it is a good game, if I say sell: it is a bad game. This is just my opinion on the games, so it is not the die hard fact.

The recent games I bought were Bioshock 2 and Dragonball Z: Ultimate tenkaichi. I also dowloaded a demo named Transformers: fall of cybertron, this isn't a full game but I give my opinion on it but it is just a provisional opinion. Those are the games that I will talk about.

Bioshock 2: As you guys may have read in the AlphaGameBet, I didn't play bioshock but I wanted to give it a shot. That is what i have done and I must say it is pretty good. It is a little bit freaky and srtuff but that's just the environment. it is pretty cool to play as a Big daddy and the story so far is good and the player gets it right away. Not a normal shooter like Call of duty or stuff but a good alternative.
Verdict: BUY

Dragonball Z: Ultimate Teckaichi: I must say I'm a big DBZ-fan and I love the games and the serie but I didn't play it for a while. When I saw this game it looked pretty goodbut than I put it in my PS3. The result: the biggest crap came out. The controls are weird, the battles are all the same, the lipsync is terrible. it just isn't as a normal DBZ game and that is a shame. The characters look pretty good but when all the other components suck, it isn't a good game.
Verdict: SELL

Transformers: Fall of cybertron: It is just a demo but not a demo like all the others. I think this is the first demo I saw with a multiplayer in it. You can play 2 chapters from the game and the multiplayer of course. The 2 chapters are fun to play and the multiplayer is just awesome. What makes it awesome is the big customazation in the game. you can make your own autobot/decepticon. For the fans, it is a must have.
Verdict: BUY

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