Tuesday, July 17, 2012

GameLight: Assassins creed III

In this topic, I will give you some information about upcoming games. This can be new trailers, new info,pre-order extras etc... So it is posible to see games more than once. This game is an exemple of the previous sentence because Ubisoft gives us time by time more news about the new Assassins creed.

I will be honest with you guys, i didn't knew what game I must pick for this week gamelight but I chose the game that had the most wow-effect in my eyes and that is Assassins creed III.

This week was really a crazy week because Ubisoft was almost spamming information about ACIII (Assassins creed III) in the last 2 months. First there was the E3-trailer, begin of July you had the Rise-trailer and past week we some actual Singleplayer and Multiplayer footage and believe it was awesome!

In the singleplayer we saw a part of the game in the city Boston, this was 6 minutes of gamefootage. In this singleplayer you saw some of the new actions you can do as Connor and of course the fightin style of Connor.

The multiplayer wasn't that much. There was a lot of talking about the new game called Wolfpack and if you watch the video you can see the new design of the multiplayer

That was Gamelight for this week, next week I will do the other game that I didn't chose( if there isn't any spectacular of course). Check the links below to see the videos about ACIII.



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