Monday, July 30, 2012

Inside the Gamer week 4

Hello Sunshine!!!! These are the words to describe this week. A week with fun and sun ;) After weeks of rain and sadness, Mister Sun visited Belgium.

I'm a gamer but gamers don't stay inside when Mister Sun asks you to come out, so I decided to go outside and enjoy almost every bit of the sun. I started on Monday with some chillaxing in the sunlight, not for that long only to enjoy the light. Thuseday was the first water-fun-day with some friends. Just swimming in a pool and again enjoying the sun. On Wednesday I took a break, i didn't felt like to go outside and I was preparing  my birthday with my mom.

Thursday was my day, my b-day ( not only mine, but you know you are the king when it is your birthday :p). Me and my mom went to the Belgium beach for some sightseeing and enjoy the sun. I got a lot of wishes from my friends, the most of them on facebook( because they don't know when you're birthday  or they can't reach you :p).

Friday was the same as Wednesday, just chilling and playing games( i'm still a gamer :p ). this was my sunny week, hopefully it isn't the last we( belgians) saw from the sun.

Next week more life news in this topic ;)

Oh one last thing, I will post a poll on this blog. I hope you guys vote for it and not only one guy like previous time :p

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