Monday, July 9, 2012

Inside the Gamer: Week 1

Here is some news about my daily life.

This week wasn't a special week. A lot of gaming and boringness drived my week with special thanks to the bad weather in Belgium( exept for Friday and Saturday), my friends on vacation and doing some student job.
I also abought a new game called Resistance 3, I bought by an action from the GameMania. I only need to trade 2 old games so that I got it for free :D If that isn't a nice deal.

On Sunday, I spend my time on garage sale with my mom( you know so quality time :p). I sold some stuff of mine like Toys and that stuff. Today on Monday, Me and my nephew go to an amusement park called Bobbejaanland, it will be fun. Hopefully the weather stays good as it is now.

This was a grip of my life, next week more stuff about me :D

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