Monday, July 23, 2012

Inside the Gamer: week 3

First of all I want to show respect to all the victims in Aurora,Colorado. When I saw the news, I was totally shocked about it. I can't understand why someone do this and why they dear to compare to a villain in a movie. Those people just ruin the lives of many and ruin the fanbase of those movies. A second thing I want to say is that I support the 2 Belgian men who were severly damaged because they are gay. I'm not gay but that doesn't mean that I can't show some respect. A good friend of me is gay and I can't think if something like that happens to him.

That was the sad part of this blog let's go to happier stuff. This week I chilled with some friends, we had a lot of fun( like always :p) . it was like the time flew away because it didn't felt like I was there for hours. Some other thing I did was celebrating my birthday for my family :D My birthday isn't the 21st of July, it is the 26th of July :p So if you guys like to send some congratulations you can send them to ( haha :p)

As you can see, I didn't do anything special this week ( sorry ). Next week, there will be nice weather in Belgium so I hope I can give you more entertaining :p See you guys next week and Game On!

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