Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gamelight: Borderlands 2

An awesome game with a lot of fun, that's how I describe Borderlands 2. This was the other game that I didn't chose last week for Gamelight.We had some luck because there was new information about this game. I will let you guys see what is new and the old thing from last week.

There wasn't a lot of information about the game, but I will give you what i know so far. The new information was that the game will take 58hours to complete it one time. This is proven by testgamers so it isn't a random number. The head of marketing at gearbox, Steve Gibson, says that it will take longer because the gamer has many character to play with so the replayability is guaranteed.

The old news was the new and funny trailer of Borderlands 2. it is called Borderlands2: Wimoweh trailer. in this trailer, you see the environment of Borderlands2 with a song that reminds you to the Lion King :p Check the link below to see the trailer.

This was Gamelight for this week, I hope you like and ( if you can) tell about what you guys think of the trailer.


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