Monday, October 29, 2012

where is the up?!

hello everyone

As you can see, I don't blog that much anymore but i hope it's gonna change. I'm working about new stuff maybe an new kind of blog so it will take a while( still under JackTechh 's name of course :p)

Also I feel a little dip right now because i don't have any ideas or anything refreshing and second i can't give you guys the game stuff. Let's hope I find my up :)

I hope you don't go search and try to kill me or something :p I will be back( with the legendary words of Mister Arnold ) and it will be beter then ever :D

I hope that I can see you guys back someday but when and where will come in this blog and on my twitter but for now, it's a goodbye.

See you gamers later and remember to spread the word: Game On!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inside The Gamer week 12

hello gamers and gamettes, normally I tell you about what happend in the past week but not this week. this time I talk all about my day in FACTS.

For the ones who don't know , it's a manga,game, cosplay, sci-fi exchange for everyone who loves it. There are many things to see like nice cosplayers, the newest games and all the stuff about manga and other things.

The day began when i got out of bed around 6 o clock (yeah thats early :p) and then I went to the train station for my train to Ghent. it was a very close call because some of my friends were a little to late but we made it ;) Ones we were in Ghent we saw cool cosplayers and so we followed them to Flanders Expo, when a challenge appeared. We saw a long queue and we though that it would take too long but we were wrong. it went really fast and before we knew it we were in FACTS.

In FACTS we went to many and different stands to see what they sold and maybe bought something. Me and my friends made some pictures and I will upload some pictures on Friday( if i get them from my friend :p)

One sidenote: I didn't cosplay this year because my costume wasn't that great as I tought so I hope to do it next year :D

That was my day in FACTS, it was a great time and i see you guys in the next "Inside The Gamer"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Buy or Sell round 3

Sorry thay you guys didn't saw this post a while ago and I will try to make next week in Jack's tech again ;) but there were some games i would share wit you guys :)

Borderlands 2: This game is the sequel from Borderlands and i must say this is one of the best game I ever played. Not in terms of graphics, but the gameplay and the feeling you get from it is just amazing. the humor from the characters is amazing and the combination FPS and RPG is really good. So if Fallout isn't you're stuff but you want to play a combo with FPS and RPG or you just want a good game? This is your game
Verdict: BUY!

Prototype: Yeah this was a really old game but it's still a good one. I bought this for my preperations for FACTS. If you love some good hack and slash, this is a good one but there are better ones I think God of War. It still good but a little outdated.
verdict:Sell(outdated) or Buy(if you want some good retro action)

Pokemon White 2: I just say the verdict from this game. Why? I said the most of it in thid week Gamelight so chack that out and you will know ;)

AlphaGameBet: the "J" for Jak and Daxter

It's that time of the week that's called AlphaGamebet and today I talk about the game/game serie where I got the inspiration for my name: Jak and Daxter

Jak and daxter is only for the playstation consoles and is created by the people of Naughty Dog. The game is about 2 good friends who get into an adventure. I think there are 2 parts in de game serie, the first game and than the others. Why do I think that? well the first is kinda childish but the others are more action because you get the guns. If you guys think that I say the first one is bad then that's not what I ment :p The first is still cool with the humor from daxter but the ones after are more action and more story behind it.

Why you should buy it? I don't really know but the humor from daxter is really magneficent. His humor is sometimes really stupid ( well maybe always :p ), so you gonna have a great time playing this game.

Why do you love this game so much Jack? This game was the first game I played on my playstation 2 and I think this was the point where my gaming passion begon. That's why I love it and to show my love i dedicaded my name to it ;)

This was AlphaGameBet for this week, sorry for that it is late posted again but I was working and planning for FACTS this saturday :) and remeber Game on!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

GameLight: Pokemon Black 2 and White 2

Yeah this week on Gamelight one of the most epic, best and longest game series: Pokémon. the past week was the release of the new pokemon black and white 2 for Nintendo DS and 3DS. But what's so different about this one?

Actually not much has changend: you catch pokemons, beat the gym leaders and fight the champion. but that makes the game a lot of fun :D this game is the same game like black and white but then with some extra  like Emerald, Yellow, etc... No, this is a whole other game with new locations, "new" pokemons and a new storyline.

This game is 2 years after the original black and white. In these so years a lot has changed. Some people moved to the Unova region and brought there pokemons with them, which let to some older pokemon you will remember ;) Also the charcters of black and white got older and chased their dreams.

If this game worth buying it? Yes of course and that for serveral reasons: 1) it's pokémon duh 2)you can explore a whole new pokemon game, that is totally different that i's previous one 3) because of the cool extra's like the medal box(throphy/achievement system for pokemon), habitat list and the dream radar for the Nintendo 3DS. The real fans of pokemons or people who didn't played black of white but love pokemon, should buy thid game. For the other ones, it may be a little childish but it's still a really good RPG for handhald consoles ;)

This was Gamelight for this week, I hope you like and remember Gonna Catch them all.... I dare you :p

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inside The Gamer week 11

Okay guys and girls, let's forget the month September. I know there wasn't much activity on my blog but those had it's reasons. The first one( and you already know) is my ear infection in the beginning of September and the second is moving to my new appartment and that last one had some problems. The biggest problem was that I didn't had any internet till now :( So that's why it took so long and I hope you can forgive me once more :D

So what happend beside the moving? Not much actuaaly because it's autumn and typically for belgium it was raining most of the time. Although I bought some new games, where I will talk about in Jack's tech ofcourse ;)

And today, the 14th of october was election day for the people in Belgium. Not for the gouvernement but for the towns and provinces. The is a big battle in the city called Antwerp where 2 big politicians are arcross each other, you can compare it with Romney vs Oboma but than on little scale.

 Next week me and my friends go to FACTS 2012 in Ghent, it is a manga,game,anime,sci-fi exchange for the fans. I don't know if you guys are coming or not but if you want to search for me or something( what is not going to happend :p ) I'm the guy who cosplays as Alex mercer from Prototype(without weapons and the bad version :p ). You can let me know if you're going to FACTS or not and so yes do you cosplay and who? Send you're answers to ;)